Offroad cube

Offroad cube puzzle

This puzzle is one my simple 4x4x4 cube design.I think my inspiration source for puzzle name is clear. I was bought some Chinese puzzles for bargain. I made a lot of puzzle from them. I will share them later. I made this puzzles from ready pieces. Not a collector piece but enough good to play. Puzzle pieces are here,

Offroad cube parts


As you can see from picture, most of the parts can be made easily by gluing two tetramino piece or by adding a few blocks or cubes to them. External dimensions of this puzzle is 60x60x60 mm.Each cube is 15x15x15 mm. Here I will give the solution for this puzzle. According to my opinion playing with a puzzle without a solution is better, but for making them a solution is useful.

offroad cube solution

2 thoughts on “Offroad cube

    1. inkydays Post author

      Thanks for your interest. I made this puzzle by using some Chinese puzzle pieces. I bought them from a local shop. But there are a lot of Chinese 3x3x3 cube that use this kind of pieces. I don’t know an online seller but I guess you can find from local shops.


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